Play Collaborate Change is a mission-driven consultancy that provides behavioral science, applied research and design thinking services to social businesses, impact investors and nonprofits. Individuals and organizations working in the social impact space know that behavior change is at the heart of the challenges they are trying to solve. They also know that simply increasing awareness about an issue or providing information about it won't inspire the change. Successful solutions to social and environmental challenges need to be people-centered, research-driven and behaviorally informed. We focus on > identifying and addressing behavioral challenges relevant to your solution and its implementation> translating academic and primary research into insights that could be applied and tested in your solution> bringing people that you are aiming to help at the center of your solution through co-design> applying behavioral science, research and UX best practicesAll that to make sure that solutions that aim to solve the world's most pressing social and environmental challenges are being adopted, used and are generating the benefit to society. Play Collaborate Change started in 2016 initially as a volunteer project with a mission of bringing design thinking and behavioral science to the communities that need it the most, but can't afford it.Our projects over the last few years included co-designing with high school students recovering from addiction, co-creating solutions to reduce high no-show rates in a community health clinic, engaging community residents in the design process to support neighborhood revitalization and identifying ways to support youth experiencing homelessness.