зам наÑалÑника ÑÑанÑии at SUE Vodokanal of Saint-Petersburg - Saint Petersburg, , Russia
Vodokanal St. Petersburg supplies potable water to the population of 5 million people and to tens of thousands of city companies and organizations. The water supply system includes (2014): 9 water treatment plants, 6,865.7 km of water networks, 198 booster pumping stationsVodokanal provides wastewater services to the citizens and companies. The sewerage system includes (2014): 15 wastewater treatment plants (including 13 municipal wastewater treatment plants and 2 surface runoff treatment plants), 8,240.3 km of sewer networks, 141 wastewater pumping stations, 241.1 km of of tunnel collectors.Vodokanal also operates the city fountains and public toilets; since 2012, a new activity area has appeared in Vodokanal – construction and operation of permanent snow-melting stations.