Olga Gedz

Nord East Realty group at Nord-East Realty Group - , ,

Olga Gedz's Contact Details
["718-234-9617","(718) 234-9617"]
United States
Nord-East Realty Group
Olga Gedz's Company Details

Nord-East Realty Group

, , • 11 - 50 Employees
Real Estate

Nord-East Realty Group, LLC brokers and sales agents have a thorough knowledge of the real estate market in New York communities. We know which neighborhoods will best fit clients' or customers' needs and budgets. We are familiar with local zoning and tax laws and know where and how to obtain financing for the purchase of property. We can help to arrange financing from a lender for the prospective buyer, which may make the difference between success and failure in closing a sale. In some cases, brokers and agents assume primary responsibility for finalizing, or closing, sales, but typically this function is done by lenders or lawyers. Nord-East Realty Group, LLC is a one-stop shop for real estate sales and financing of commercial and residential properties. We specialize in condo market, providing the cutting edge of constantly changing financing guidelines, volume financing commitments and project pre-sale requirement waivers, targeted marketing and market study. Implementing our knowledge and innovative sales and marketing strategies helped us achieve outstanding sales results and generated extremely loyal client base.

Details about Nord-East Realty Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Olga Gedz
Olga Gedz currently works for Nord-East Realty Group.
Olga Gedz's role at Nord-East Realty Group is Nord East Realty group.
Olga Gedz's email address is ***@nordeastrealtygroup.com. To view Olga Gedz's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Olga Gedz works in the Real Estate industry.
Olga Gedz's colleagues at Nord-East Realty Group are Igor Vakulenko, Alexander Gincher, Sergey IFRAIMOV, Elena Arnautova, Sam Gekhel, Igor Danov and others.
Olga Gedz's phone number is ["718-234-9617","(718) 234-9617"]
See more information about Olga Gedz