Behavioral Health Services Insurance Spec/Business Office Support at Circles Of Care - Melbourne, FL, US
We are proud to provide the most comprehensive, highest quality behavioral healthcare services throughout the Brevard community. The mission of Circles of Care is to promote and provide high quality mental health, alcohol, drug abuse and related services to its customers through its hospital based and State and County contracted programs. Circles of Care is dedicated to continuously improving the quality of services delivered by striving to fulfill the following objectives:-To establish total quality performance as the operating philosophy within the corporation.-To be known as the supplier of choice in all our service areas.-To respond to the changing corporate environment, competition, technology, business process and social issues in order to provide corporate stability and respond to community needs.-To assure each department, employee and treatment team will routinely and pragmatically strive to improve services and be cost effective.-To establish a corporate environment that empowers employees working together to improve operations and better serve our customers.-To deliver services in a courteous and friendly manner with respect for individual dignity and patient rights.-To create reliable working relationships with suppliers and other community programs who can enhance and improve the scope and quality of our services.-To conduct all activities in strict compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, with honesty and integrity, and with a strong commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and maximum asset management.