Venture management consultancy, Point-of-Reference, LLC ("PofR") helps new businesses to start and existing businesses to expand or restart. PofR has been graced with a "Solid Gold Rolodex" of experts from a diverse array of industries, markets, sciences and disciplines. We are primarily company builders who, by virtue of the quality of our work, help our clients to create organizations that people want to work for and invest in. When presented with a new prospect one of a select team, chosen specifically for your need, writes up a two-page summary and distributes it to those PofR associates who have expertise in the prospect's market, industry, science or discipline. Those who are interested can then engage through PofR or cut a deal directly with the prospect because we believe that "what goes around comes around." We've completed classic start-ups; corporate turnarounds; a management buyout of a division of Lucent Technologies. Our latest engagement is in the patented medical technology space.