Creators of innovative software products servicing the UK mortgage broker network. BrokerSense: Instantly know what your client can borrow from every lender on the market. All referenced against cost so you can be confident your advice is based on fact, not speculation.Benefits:Automating the tedious tasks so you can focus on what really matters. Giving advice.* Product Confidence - Instantly understand what your client can borrow, referenced against cost so you can be confident they are getting the best outcome.* Sales Confidence - Save hours in manually checking and avoid doubt that you might have missed an option that your competitors don't.* Client Confidence - Complete confidence in your clients veracity, all handled automatically with zero paperwork and minimal client interaction.Features:* Affordability - Return every lenders affordability figure in an instant.* Transparency - Images of online lender calculators saved automatically.* Product Sourcing - References live product data highlighting the cheapest deal per lender.* Key Facts Illustration - Full KFI production for each deal within the app.* Evidence of Research - Ability to produce evidence of research documents.* Customisable Lenders - Customisable lender panel including automatic highlighting of highest paying mortgage clubs per lender.* Identity theft protection - Ability to verify client residential address.* Instant eIDV - Instant and electronic ID checks including watchlist and PEP.* Paperless Identity Checking - Ability to automatically verify client passport photos without requiring originals.* History - Documentation all stored indefinitely.* Flexibility - Ability to tie in with 10,000 other apps including office 365 and google.* Compliance - Automatically produces alternative KFIs for added fees and interest only.