Since 1999, Catapult has helped b-to-b tech firms grow and prosper through its blend of strategic messaging, media and analyst relations, social media and content marketing services. It is the creator of Strategic Narrative Marketing, a new, much-needed approach that helps organizations define and lead new or existing categories as a strategy to stand out, say something compelling and differentiate from competitors. Catapult launched Strategic Narrative Marketing in September 2016. The industry narrative serves to build or re-establish a category, framework or unique space in the industry that the company can own and evangelize. Catapult's services guide companies through the SNM process from the discovery session, to narrative development, and ongoing support. A step-by-step process for adopting SNM is detailed in Catapult's book, "A Practical Guide to Strategic Narrative Marketing," ( more about Catapult's Strategic Narrative Marketing Workshop, visit: