In An Emergency, Time Is Of The Essence.The primary aim of creating Alarrt is to allow people to post emergencies (personal and non-personal) so that their friends and loved ones are notified immediately by SMS and email. The platform also brings the public informed and up to date when there is an emergency (State and Nation Wide). This ensures that anyone who isn't aware of the situation stays away from it, especially if it's life-threatening.Once a personal distress/emergency alert is created, we alert Emergency Response Services that have registered with us within the area of the emergency so that they can arrive quickly to provide assistance and eliminate or minimize damage.Our Ultimate GoalTime is critical in an emergency, and every second counts. We understand this, which is why we've created a platform for everyone to broadcast these emergency notifications at the speed of light. Beyond that, it is our earnest goal to be able to render help as well.Alarrt's mission is to provide more than just a platform for individuals to stay swiftly informed. Our ultimate goal is to be able to respond to emergency notifications as quickly as possible (both medically and in terms of transportation). Whether it's a state-wide emergency or a personal one.