Corpreneur is a platform that allows you to securely save, invest, and grow your business. You can save as low as ₦100 and enjoy between 18% - 24% interest on your savings and investment, while we also provide business owners with tools to manage and reach more customers.Corpreneur Savings & Entrepreneurship platform is implemented by Ibadan North Corpreneur Cooperative Investment & Credit Society Limited, with registration number 23918 for its members/savers and all funds are trusted with a public trustee who is SEC (Security & Exchange Commission) approved, to protect our members and savers. They ensure that all funds are securely invested in fixed return investments.This way, finance just got personalized; you get to experience the modern way of handling your funds (Save, invest, receive money, transfer money, pay bills, and perform ATM cardless withdrawals).SaveAutomate your savings and earn between 10 - 18% on your savings.InvestGrow your money, invest in amazing investment opportunities and enjoy up to 20% interest rate per annum.WalletTransfer money, receive money, pay bills at ease, and perform cardless ATM withdrawalBusinessPromote your business to a wide audience and grow your wealth.Create an e-store.Create free e-commerce to showcase your product to more audience through our website.Customer ManagementSend invoices to customers, send newsletter to inform customers of new products.Find a Product/ServiceGet amazing deals from our vendors!Why Choose Us Zero service fee Flexible saving plans Competitive interest rate Security of data and funds Transparency Ease to use