At Tender, we believe in healthy relationships that are based on equality, respect and tenderness; relationships where both partners feel safe and neither lives in fear of the other. Unfortunately, not all relationships are like this. In fact, 1 in 4 women will experience abuse while in a relationship and approximately 2 women are killed each week by a partner or ex-partner. This is damaging to our society, and we want to change it.Through our work with young people in schools, Pupil Referral Units and youth projects, we aim to raise awareness of domestic abuse. Helping young people to understand what a healthy relationship is and what the early warning signs are for an abusive relationship.We work creatively with young people in:a) schools: where our workshop leaders engage with pupils to explore the issues surrounding domestic abuse. The pupils are then asked to create their own drama performance based on the issues that have been discussed.b) youth projects: Working with young people outside of main stream education we help young people become leaders as youth ambassadors. Our groups work creatively with each other to explore what makes a healthy relationship and produce innovative films, exhibitions and plays. We also work with professionals, offering specialist and tailor-made training around the issues of domestic abuse and sexual violence, healthy relationships and violence against women.