Omar Rico

Ingeniero Lanzamiento Jr. at Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V - , San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Omar Rico's Contact Details
["+52 444 137 0170"]
San Luis Potosi,San Luis Potosi,Mexico
Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V
Omar Rico's Company Details
Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V logo, Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V contact details

Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V

, San Luis Potosi, Mexico • 501 - 1000 Employees

Minghua de México S.A. de C.V. is founded on June 6th, 2016 in a total area of 120,000m2 in the industrial park of Logistik ll, in the town of Villa de Reyes, San Luis Potosí, México.Part of the JJ-Group with headquarters based in Jiangsu Province in China.In Minghua de México we are engaged to the development, manufacturing and sales of the components for automobile industry such as full assembled and painted bumpers, exterior panels, roof spoilers as well as produce our own injection moulds and high-tech mould parts. Our plant capacity can produce up to 600,000 car sets a year.Our culture and core values are:1. Leader of the niche market and the closest strategic partner with BMW. 2. Respect customers and be customer-oriented.3. Safety first.4. Care for employees, respect and involve into local culture, respect local religion, traditions and habits.5. Be an attractive employer in located area.6. Diligent, dedicated, professional and competitive team.7. Abide by local laws and regulations, establish friendly and cooperative relationships with local partners and governments.

Details about Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V
Frequently Asked Questions about Omar Rico
Omar Rico currently works for Minghua de México S.A de C.V..
Omar Rico's role at Minghua de México S.A de C.V. is Ingeniero Lanzamiento Jr..
Omar Rico's email address is *** To view Omar Rico's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Omar Rico works in the Automotive industry.
Omar Rico's colleagues at Minghua de Mexico S.A de C.V are Karina Pina, Ricardo Carvajal, Carlos Maldonado, Roberto Gallegos, Jose Lezama, Arsenio Perez, Felix Meza and others.
Omar Rico's phone number is ["+52 444 137 0170"]
See more information about Omar Rico