The Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group (BBRG) is a world-class research group, based at the University of British Columbia. The Group conducts advanced research and develops innovative solutions to meet the needs of the emerging biobased businesses in Canada and around the world. To meet its goals, BBRG is made up of a core group of engineers and scientists focused on turning raw biomass to industrial feedstock that would meet the requirements of producing high value intermediate chemicals and biofuels. The main technical activities of the group consists of evaluating the physical and chemical properties in relation to biomass size reduction, drying, pelletization, and best practices for safe handling and storage of biomaterials. The group has also unique expertise in developing mathematical models for conducting feedstock supply chain simulations and techno economic assessments. In short, BBRG bridges the often neglected gap between raw biomass source and biomass conversion. As feedstock engineers – the Group integrates all the processes and management strategies involved from biomass harvest until just prior to final conversion to bioenergy, and bioproducts:Supply chain logistics – modeling and analysisResource assessment and analysisPhysical and chemical characterization of biomassDensification that include drying, size reduction, pelletizationBest practices for storage and handling of raw biomass and ready to deploy feedstockLife cycle analysis, cost benefit analysisBBRG collaborates with industry and government to meet the needs of the emerging bioeconomy. Our research ranges from fundamental laboratory experiments to applied, short-term contract work for companies and other organizations on strategic biomass opportunities.