Property solutions and investment ltd is a classified property ads online platform where people can search for any apartment of his choice. contact us today for you property need and let us get it for you. tel: 08074360152, 08161638534 email:, PROPERTY SOLUTIONS AND INVESTMENT LTD is now a proud partner to 10 Estate Developing Companies and Estate Owners with about 35 Estates in Nigeria with most of the Estates on both the Highland and Mainland part of Lagos State. All transactions involving Estates' Lands will be done directly with the Estate developers & therefore NO AGENCY FEE is to be paid. Our Role as Partners is to : *Market the Properties of these Estates Developers *Take clients for a tour round the Estates/Site Inspection *Direct & Aid Clients with the right payment procedure *Direct Link to the Managing Directors of Property Development companies *Take/Direct clients to our offices *Assist & aid Clients with his/her Land Title Documentation *Serve as Consultants (We are ready to answer any of your questions) We treat all Real Estate related issues with outmost importance & We put our Clients' desires before ours.