Makyol-Kalyon-Cengiz OGG (MKC) was established in 2013 as partnership. Main field of work items are given below: Construction of road, bridge, viaduct, tunnel, intersection, box culvert, retaining Wall, stone Wall and earthworks in scope of "İstanbul-Şile-Ağva Road Ch:16+500-26+950 and Ch:37+000-84+800 Sections Constrcution Works" tendered by General Directorate of Highways with 527.426.354,10 TL contract price. Section-1: Construction of 7 nos Bridge, 29 nos box culvert, 2 nos intersections, 10.45 km road expansion from 2x2 to 2 x 3 and 200.000 m3 earthworks. Section-2: Construction of 10 nos bridge, 2 nos viaduct, 40 nos box culvert, 10 nos intersections, 26 km road expansion from 2x2 to 2x3 and 4.000.000 m3 earthworks. Section-3: Construction of 21 nos bridge, 10 nos viaduct, 7 nos tunnel, 17 nos box culvert, 5 nos intersections, 21.80 km 2x3 new road and 5.500.000 m3 earthworks.