A century old Helsan Helva, which is a halvah producer, has been established by their grandfather, named Mehmet Ali Efendi, by starting his facility at a small workshop in Çıkrıkçılar region of Konya province, hundred years ago. Later on this production unit has been moved to Akşehir by Hadji Hüseyin KESKİN, his son. Still, the grandson Cafer KESKİN and his sons have carried on this traditional business successfully by unifying it with today's modern technology.Today Company, which deals with this business for five generations and doesn't make any concessions from its quality level and doesn't make any concessions from its quality level and its flavour for 137 years, has changed its title and became Hel-San Gıda(Food) San. ve Ltd. Co. All of its products are certified by ISO-9001:2008 and ISO 22000:2005 it can produce daily 10 tons of halvah and sesame oil, 5 tons of grape molasses and jam together with 2 tons of Turkish delight by its modern production facilities, which covers 2500m2 of closed area plus 2000m2 of open area, at this moment. The Company, which gives 80% of its products for the service of domestic market and 20% for the foreign market, mainly to Europen countries, targets to carry the know how, experience and taste, attained during the period o a century, towards many centuries.