The MedsquareNorthern Virginia's Family Pharmacy. Hand Delivered.Our service is free; you just pay your copay.We also specialize in Travel Health and Corporate Health.We offer our corporate clients: Concierge Services for their employees.If your place of business is within Northern Virginia, we can have one of our concierge health-providers come to you for your employees' travel health needs.We understand as a business traveler you may go around the world to advance your company's reach but your safety should be top priority and taking extra trips to a healthcare provider may not fit in your busy schedule. That where The Medsquare comes in!Here's how it works:1. With a simple phone interview with our team to review your itinerary we will determine which medication, vaccinations, and precautions you should take.2. One of our healthcare providers will come and have a face-to-face and administer any vaccinations as well as deliver the needed medication.3. We will hand you a personalized travel report and you will be able to check one more thing off your list!We also offer corporate flu shot clinics onsite.Don't let your workforce get slowed down by the flu. Please contact us for more details. Call us at 703-828-7793 or email us at