Oriol Font

Director de operaciones at ZONAIR3D - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Oriol Font's Contact Details
+34 935 51 03 40
419 Barcelona Drive,Saint Petersburg,Florida,33716,United States
Oriol Font's Company Details
ZONAIR3D logo, ZONAIR3D contact details


Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain • 18 Employees

ZONAIR3D is a company present in the 5 continents and engaged in the study and development of technological innovation related to the air and its components. In collaboration with university and scientific research centres ZONAIR3D offer solutions in such fields as medicine, healthcare, welfare or art preservation.The company has two different business lines, PURE AIR and N2 CAPSULE:* PURE AIR is a business line developed around products that offer pure air or provide access to pure air, enabling people to benefit from the purity of this air.Products: ---BUBBLE | PURE AIR-This pioneering product is a mobile space in the shape of a bubble. Its architecture and drive systems enable people inside to perform all kinds of activities inside while breathing 99.995% pure air that is free from contaminating particles, viral, bacteriological and allergenic agents.The bubble is already present in the sport, wellness and cosmetic fields and also into the medical sector with various applications, such as a field operating theatre, medical recovery room, burn victims' room and in respiratory and cardiovascular illness treatments. ---PURE AIR CONTROL-The first air purification system which reduces particles to 99,95% and gas concentration to comfort levels for all kind of buildings and all kind of people. * N2 CAPSULE is a business line around nitrogen capsules for anoxic treatment of books and works of art.

Details about ZONAIR3D
Frequently Asked Questions about Oriol Font
Oriol Font currently works for ZONAIR3D.
Oriol Font's role at ZONAIR3D is Director de operaciones.
Oriol Font's email address is ***@zonair3d.com. To view Oriol Font's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Oriol Font works in the Research industry.
Oriol Font's phone number is +34 935 51 03 40
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