Manufacturing and Quality Control Engineer at Station Innovation - Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
After growing up on northern cattle stations and then working for over 30 years pioneering outback solar power and pumping systems, Mike Farrell, director of Ecoenergy Australia came face to face with the challenges cattlemen have in monitoring and controlling their bores and infrastructure.The unending bore runs are a costly exercise for primary producers and burn many man hours, huge volumes of fuel, tyres and vehicles and waste farmer's most precious commodity, Time!.Communications expert Harvey Conroy along with Mike started building basic prototypes more than 15 years ago and as cost-effective technology evolved so did the product.After years of R&D with boots on the ground, talking to real farmers about their needs and with the more recent help of talented electronics engineer Chris Glanville, the inherent features of ecosat were honed into the intelligent patent pending product it is today with a committed, multi-disciplinary team.