DataDivider has been a certified Level 1 PCI DSS Service Provider for the past decade helping organizations reduce their PCI DSS compliance risks and costs for telephone, fax, mail order and chat payment transactions. A pioneer in the industry introducing the technique of Data Capture Cloaking to facilitate the secure entry of cardholder data without exposing this data to endpoint devices. DataDivider's innovative solutions ensure the minimal impact to businesses as they achieve their compliance goals. Simplicity is achieved by adapting existing applications without the necessity of any systems integration. Privacy data is simply replaced with format preserved tokens which are injected directly into existing user interfaces by DataDivider. This ensures clients can achieve compliance in weeks rather than months. From its background in PCI DSS DataDivider has evolved to helping organizations meet their other privacy data compliance requirements such as HIPAA and GDPR. With its wealth of expertise in effectively and efficiency securing card account data it is now helping organizations benefit from the countless lessons learned with PCI DSS for all data compliance needs.