IntroductionGreen-Tech Solutions (GTS) was established in 2016 with an objective to provideproducts and services in the area of networking. The company place greateremphasis on understanding the customer need, budget, and resources. Thisenables us to design a cost-effective approach towards developing asolution. We build solutions to help businesses to manage networks of any size.Green-Tech Solutions (GTS), seizing the power of disruptive technology toconvert the physical into digital intelligence changing your outlook and youroutcomes.Range of ServicesThe network infrastructure solution provided by Green-Tech consists of market leader product and services offering for all sizes of organizations. Thus providing clients improved communications and insight resulting in significant operational cost savings. IT infrastructure solutions cover the full extent of enterprise network convergenceIncluding:Ÿ Structured Voice & Data CablingŸ Networking Devices IntegrationŸ Routing & SwitchingŸ Wireless NetworkŸ Security SurveillanceŸ Stateful Firewall SolutionThe scale of the solutions engulfs all the pieces of the networks ranging from data link devices providing complete solution, security solution and outdoor wireless bridges