KROIN AG is a Swiss based blockchain firm founded in 2015. It aims to launch one of the first bank accepted AML-KYC-CTF-PEP compliant crypto currencies.KROIN's project will launch an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain which belongs to a class of Bitcoin 2.0 (token).It will be one of the first cryptocurrencies to address the issues surrounding Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) Politically-Exposed-Person (PEP) requirements which have so far hindered the transfer between the FIAT and crypto systems, allowing companies and users to pay for services such as telecoms and utilities, using this innovative coin.This project can be considered a first approach designed to be a whitelisted authorisation and validation address based crypto currency token with automatic transaction thresholds. Governments and banks which will join the project will act as Validators.KROIN AG will soon meet maximum of 20 potential private investors (early adopters phase) to discuss investment via FIAT funds only. The process will be managed by a bank that will act as administrator and custodian of the funds.