Laboratory Administrator at Neuromuscular Research Laboratory - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Research Assistant at Neuromuscular Research Lab / Warrior Human Performance Center
The Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (NMRL) is the applied research facility of the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.Since 1990, the NMRL has initiated research in the areas of proprioception and neuromuscular control, in an attempt to answer many of the questions regarding the role of capsuloligamentous structures in the pathoetiology of joint injury. The objectives of our research has been to study comprehensive profiles of an individual's function by evaluating both the sensory and motor characteristics specific to musculoskeletal injury and pathology. Biomechanical and neuromuscular assessments under sports-simulated environments are used to determine specific variables including investigating the influence of weight distribution, muscle function, balance, flexibility, proprioception, gender, aging, and fatigue, as well as the effects of injury, surgery, and rehabilitation on joint stability. Deficiencies in body mechanics and muscle function are used to develop programs, not only to improve performance, but also minimize potential for injury. We have also applied this sports injury prevention and preformance enhancement model to the United States military in our Department of Defence research.