L.E.A.D. IT Services is an IT Support company based in Derby operating from L.E.A.D. Multi Academy Trust.. We offer numerous different types of support and services such as computer repairs, network set-up and so much more.We offer services to a wide range of Companies, Charities, Individuals and Primary and Secondary Schools.Our dedicated Design Team can offer you professional Website, Flyer, Poster and many other publications. We also have an on-site printing facility for the whole design and printing package. Please ask us for any samples or view them on our website.There are no limitations to what we can offer and we will always ensure we offer the best pricing. We also offer emergency call-outs in the event of a network or other ICT equipment related failure. This can be made available via our emergency call-out number located on our website.Our portfolio is available to view at: www.leaditservices.co.uk