>>> EXiGE Marketing is a marketing and business development consulting firm.>>> EXiGE Marketing est une firme de conseil en marketing et développement des affaires._____________________________________________________________EXiGE Marketing is a marketing, business development and product communications consultancy that confidentially advises technology firms in sophisticated markets by combining its unique talents in marketing, sales strategy, brand management, product development, new markets, and building global partnerships.With extensive partner networks worldwide, we help organizations grow their business, communicate the value of their offerings, increase market opportunities that are both profitable and sustainable through advanced marketing strategies, sales strategies, and the creation of new partnerships. Exige works with leading companies and social organizations as their integrated marketing resource.Our past professional mandates have included: enterprise business applications, desktop and web-based software products, professional services, electronic documentation, knowledge management solutions, business process and transaction management (including knowledge management, eCommerce, eGovernment, sales-automation, marketing-campaign analysis, product design and parts-reuse, and customer service), CRM, retail management, business intelligence, and global distribution.Past EXiGE customers and contacts have included solutions and service providers from industries such as: banking & finance, eCommerce, healthcare, pharmaceutical, information technology, defense, aerospace, human resources, manufacturing, national, state, and municipal governments, and non-governmental organizations.