Donesa Resources Limited was duly registered in Nigeria on November, 2013. Our professional and highly qualified team can cater to whatever your request may be. Whether you're installing a solar/inverter system for comfort or profit maximization, getting your business started, seeking help for business growth, or developing a website, DONESA can help you find the very best deal.Our works are perhaps our greatest treasure. The smiles and expression of satisfaction from our clients is our greatest desire.VISION- To be a global leading identity in Renewable Energy, IT and Business Development Services.MISSION- Uplifting the Nigeria economy via numerous successful business growths!- Provide reliable and affordable alternative source of electricity.CORE VALUES- Integrity- Accountability- Diligence- Perseverance- Excellence- DisciplineCORE BUSINESS- Solar and Inverter Electricity Power Systems; Installations and Maintenance.- Website Design and Development.- Mobile App Design and Development. - Business Branding and Business Tools.- Digital Marketing.- Entrepreneur Services; Business Setup and Mentoring.STRENGTH- Professional, dedicated and reliable.- We ensure customers get more than the value for their money.- We provide the best bargain.- We take great need in carrying out research on new technological developments as well as new busines approach to ensure our customers are given the most effective services and business success plan respectively.