Okami Martial Arts established in 2008,where we teach sessions in Karate and Kickboxing to children ages 3 right through to adults. Programmes for preschoolers ages 3 to 4,little dragons ages 5 to 7,Warriors ages 8 to 14, Family Karate ages 8 to adults. Ladies only kickboxing and Mixed Kickboxing ages 14 to adult. Building confidence, fitness, mental health, self protection awareness, leadership skills, focus, discipline and tenacity. Welcome to Okami Martial Arts, We live in an increasingly stressful and violent society. Each day we go through life with the same humdrum routine, along with our anxieties, fears, doubts and concerns. By training in martial arts, we can strengthen our minds and bodies to prepare us for life's obstacles.Training with Okami will give you the opportunity to turn all this negativity around us, into an empowering positive one. It will help your children say NO to negative peer pressure, and teach them how to focus and concentrate. You will see increases in physical fitness, flexibility, confidence, self esteem & self-defence awareness.