GSI SLV-TR has been established in Ankara as the Turkey office of GSI SLV* company of the German Welding Society (DVS).Supervision and Welding Engineering:The following services can be provided by our experienced experts, according to the requirements of the application standards and/or specification requirements, with the cooperation of GSI mbH and in the scope of an international accreditation.1. Supervision/audit of the welds and jointed works during production and assembly (3rd party supervision services),2. Welder and welding operator tests, certification and acceptance,3.Final acceptance of steel structures,4.Supervision / audit of corrosion protection activities5.General Welding Engineering-Production order preparation,-Personnel planning according to the project requirements (employing the correct certified personnel at the correct place),-Preparation of the Inspection and Test Plans (ITP),-Control of production documentation,-Fault removal, damage analyses