We are a group of motivated dreamers with a clear vision and a well-defined mission to enable small companies to continue their success.We buy small profitable companies in stable industries core to the Spanish economy. We hold our investments for the long-term and act as true partners to management. We are not a Private Equity and we don't want to be seen as such. Although we, like many others, believe in value investing as the right way to achieve outstanding performance, our values and philosophy are far away from traditional investment firms.Iberian Ventures ha nacido con el propósito de descubrir el poder de las pequeñas y medianas empresas con base tradicional. Creemos firmemente en las industrias familiares que siempre han formado parte de nuestro día a día. Nos gusta la belleza exótica de los negocios aburridos y recurrentes detrás de los que se pueden identificar personas comprometidas.