CONSULTANCY AT DIFFERENT GOBERMENT AREAS AND STATE INSTITUTIONS:Planning of mining and manufacturing production.LEAN Production.Estimation of mining resources and reserves, geostatistical models.Projection of demand and prices, in any industry.Definition of management indicators, continuous improvement.Marketing plan, product design, market research.Evaluation of financial instruments, technical analysis.INNOVATIONHigh impact projects for industrys, focused on mining.Technology integrationCOMPUTER DEVELOPMENTImplementation of large systems.Consultans of documentary management (DMS).Design, reengineering and database model improvementSoftware development and architecture.Process automation.Technological solutions of innovation.Hi level IT support on-demand.Fisical and VPS (Virtual) servers Administration, Housing and Cloud Services.MAESTRANZA Y ASTILLEROBoats Manufacture.Manufacture whit Fibers, Plastics, Wood and Metals.Design and production of boats and others.