From the union of one international model, one photografer and one fashion entrepreneur, abmodels mgmt. Was born in México City. As an agency which administrates talent and beauty, its strategy is based in the development of the human being, its objective is ti offer quality and honest service. Our starting piont is a self evident truth: A smile is more easily offered, if one is truly happy…With knowledge of the Mexican market as well as experience in other contries, our work consists of matching the true needs of our clients with the professional cualities of the models we represent. Our primary goal is qualityu: to offer to the talent we represent, as much as to our clients- the service, attention and time that their necessities requiere. The concept is all inclusive, open to the cohabitation of talented people; always grateful for the "input" of trusting professionals, to learn from the sharing of experience, as well as creating the breeding ground of healthy competition which encourages talent to strive for the best it has to offer. In abmodels we belive in just an humane treatment, in responsability, obligation, and in one word; which is, of course, equally performance and productivity in work.We offer our clients years of experience in the care of a esthetic and strategic details and fundamental criteria, which at the moment of selecting talent, will ensure the desire effect for the ultimate client.