NOVO COMPUTING is a leading organization from North East India, Head Quarter at Guwahati, specializing in consulting, technologies, digital operations, Advertising, and Media Communication services.With the aid of the latest technologies, our marketing strategies and solutions will cement the client business by meeting their customized needs collaborating with enterprises and making it more future relevant. It addresses the difficulties of business related to revenue, scalability, sustainable growth, giving an overall competence to clients which will help them in navigating digitally in future meeting up to next-generation technological needs. We also provide a solution that integrates cyber protection into every aspect of the business, from the IT department to training its employees, which is recommended. Cybersecurity frameworks are available to businesses and many are utilitarian in their approach, covering business context, policy and standards, security capabilities and controls, and the environment.Besides, we collaborate with leading manufacturers under hardware and software domain expertise, Internet service & cloud service provider to address the needs of our esteemed clients for meeting their required objective by implying today's current edge technology platform.