Want to make meaning for your customers? Our unique approach to creative and value-driven content will help differentiate you from your competition. We don't just help you sell—we create value. Over the years, we've helped our clients:- Create and build identifiable brands and drive awareness- Generate leads and sales with superior content and engaging tools with proven results—ask us about how we generated $710,000 from over 40 active sales opportunities!* - Develop and deliver unique experiences for your customers and prospects- From messaging to campaigns to direct mail and website design, we've got you coveredWhen you work with our passionate team who strives to understand your needs, you not only reap the benefits of marketing ROI, but also a lasting relationship. Our mission is to make meaning for you, your customer, and our communities. We'll help you talk to customers in their language. Not just about what you do, but what it means to them. And, we're darn proud of the brands we've helped build over the past twenty years because brand content matters, including Comcast Business, Ciena, CenturyLink Business, Taxify, Precision Sample, and Janus to name just a few. While we have yet to meet content we couldn't master, you can take advantage of our subject matter expertise in the communication tech, finance, and action sports industries. If you need some help realizing your brand essence and seeing how it can create value, please send a connection request, call 303.825.1465, or email Mel at mel@ecollectivedesign.com today. *2012 Silverpop Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study#customerexperience #wecreatevalue #creativestrategy #contentmasters#contentmakers