Human beings are multidimensional conscious beings with various levels of awareness, ego states, life patterns adapted as coping mechanisms which function unconsciously at any given point in time. We all have an spiritual, intellectual, emotional and sensory aspect to us which reflects in our observed or felt behaviours. When all of these aspects are in harmony we experience peace happiness contentment and a state of godliness. When aspects are not in harmony it leads to imbalance causing discomfort mentally, physically; causing disturbance and disease.What starts as a subconscious survival program too often results in illogical, destructive and immature regressed behaviours in adult life. We lose our conscious choices as we no longer recognize our needs or feelings directly. This happens because our mind programs our reaction patterns from the sensations, emotions and thoughts drawing conclusions from our past experiences. It also trains our body to react instinctively to stimulus similar to the past experiences.Awareness to wellness programs are customized for clients keeping in mind the level of their awareness their attitudes towards life, others also keeping in mind their needs lifestyles, to create awareness within themselves regarding such patterns which have now become dysfunctional for them. Our programs help people generate an alternative coping strategy to achieve wellness.Human Being has always thrived to understand the unknown and through evolution, through knowledge, through progress has unveiled a lot of the universe, However, the more we are aware there always will be something we do not know or understand. Therefore,A to W on the alphabet are symbolic of the awareness any living being may have about his physical, social, emotional & Spiritual existence. Like we assume in mathematics XYZ will always stay the unknown.