Paloma Diaz

Direct Support Professional at Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc. - New York, NY, US

Paloma Diaz's Contact Details
New York,New York,United States
Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc.
Paloma Diaz's Company Details
Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc. logo, Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc. contact details

Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc.

New York, NY, US • 250 - 499 Employees
Social Services

In 1976, a group of parents of autistic adolescents came together to organize Special Citizens as a nonprofit organization. The organization began as a vehicle to advocate for ongoing adult programs for their children who had aged out of Special Education services with very little options for long-term housing or day programming. The group of parents began their journey in 1977. Upon approval of a three-year grant from the then OMRDD, Special Citizens opened its first group home in Westchester (Cortlandt Intermediate Care Facility) on December 7, 1981.We are committed to the development and delivery of a comprehensive, integrated system of services, which has as its primary purpose the promotion and attainment of independence, inclusion, individuality and productivity for adults and children with autism. Special Citizens has a workforce of 200 employees supporting over 350 people with Autism Spectrum Disorders throughout the Bronx, Manhattan and Westchester County. Special Citizens provides the following services:Residential (Individual Residential Alternatives and Intermediate Care Facilities)Day Habilitation (Site and Community Based Day Options)Community HabilitationSupported EmploymentPre-Vocational Support

Non-Profit Individual and Family Services Individual & Family Services Social Assistance
Details about Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Paloma Diaz
Paloma Diaz currently works for Special Citizens Futures Unlimited.
Paloma Diaz's role at Special Citizens Futures Unlimited is Direct Support Professional.
Paloma Diaz's email address is *** To view Paloma Diaz's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Paloma Diaz works in the Individual & Family Services industry.
Paloma Diaz's colleagues at Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, Inc. are Stephen Matrone, Katrina Potter, Tameeka Boyd, Ebenezer Duodu, Eric Rodriguez, Nathalie Then and others.
Paloma Diaz's phone number is 212-643-2663
See more information about Paloma Diaz