Pam Holley

Owner at P.A.M. Diamond Paintings - Fayette, Ohio, United States

Pam Holley's Colleagues at P.A.M. Diamond Paintings
Pam Holley's Contact Details
(260) 615-5770
Fayette,Ohio,43521,United States
P.A.M. Diamond Paintings
Pam Holley's Company Details
P.A.M. Diamond Paintings logo, P.A.M. Diamond Paintings contact details

P.A.M. Diamond Paintings

Fayette, Ohio, United States • 0 Employees
Arts & Crafts

Over the last few years, we have been through a lot of emotional things. I lost my Dad in 2016 and my Mom in 2018. Paul lost his dad in 2017. I needed something to occupy my mind. I purchased my first diamond painting and became addicted immediately. I joined every group that I could join to learn more about it and get another kit. I learned through trial and error who you could and could not purchase from. I also realized that diamond painting is a hobby that we all love. It is a hobby that not all of us could afford to do if we can't get them at a reasonable price. Our mission is to bring you a good quality diamond painting at an affordable price. We have access to just about everything that other companies have. This is an enjoyable art and we want everyone to be able to enjoy it and create their own memories. Diamond Painting has be known to reduce stress. I personally have Graves Disease and it causes tremors. I also have high anxiety because of being a high strung person. When I diamond paint (which is daily), I don't notice the shakes and it relaxes me. I can get lost in it for hours.

Details about P.A.M. Diamond Paintings
Frequently Asked Questions about Pam Holley
Pam Holley currently works for P.A.M. Diamond Paintings.
Pam Holley's role at P.A.M. Diamond Paintings is Owner.
Pam Holley's email address is *** To view Pam Holley's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Pam Holley works in the Arts & Crafts industry.
Pam Holley's colleagues at P.A.M. Diamond Paintings are and others.
Pam Holley's phone number is (260) 615-5770
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