My Life at the Top LLC is a life coaching LLC that main focus is on helping people live their life at the top of their dreams, their potentials and achieving all their goals.Coaching is not about being OK; it is about being at one's best and producing superior performance, attaining higher levels of health, well being, focus and skill. Coaching works on refining and honing the individual's best skills, playing to one's strength and eliminating the things that sabotage excellence. It is also about recognizing problem areas and moving forward to eliminate them or to strengthen the skill. Coaching is about what is going on right now and what possibilities there are in the future. It is for people who are growing and moving forward in their lives.A good coach challenges, questions, awakens, gives candid sensory specific feedback, co-creates actions, helps you set goals and strategies for getting to those goals and holding you accountable.A good coach stands with you when you go into those uncharted unfamiliar waters and shines the light so that you can see your way more clearly. They can help you to see the rocks and the dangers before they put a hole in your craft.The best thing about life coaching is you are in the drivers seat. You control the course and the speed. Any changes in your life are far more effective because they are the changes that you want. Not changes on some one else's agenda