When you pair with Creative Pear, good things happen. Your marketing materials take on a ‘big brand' look. Your web site doesn't just sit there, it moves people to take action. That's because we partner with you on every level. We get to know you from the inside out, responding to, and even anticipating your next move. So, you say, how do we accomplish all this? It's simple (really!) Our ‘simple' approach has blossomed into a multi-faceted creative services group that is tailored to providing you with exactly what you need. We gather the necessary people and skill sets to get the job done right, and we get it done in the most cost-effective way possible. Think about it: why hire a company of 25 people when you only need a few to reach your objective? It's The Pear's tailor-made approach that delivers smart, strategic and superior results every time.Services: Logo identity | web design | stationery package | brochures | email marketing | newsletters | promotional material social media marketing | menu design Creative Pear is ready to research and analyze your current approach, and provide you with a strategic solution that will let the whole world know who you really are. Contact Pam Smith today for a free initial consultation - (508) 317-1310