Sisterhood Club is a collection of 10,000 diverse and inclusive Sister NFTs on the Ethereum blockchainEvery Sister NFT grants access to our; Sisterhood School, business elevation grants and supportive community empowering women to enter the world of web3.Origin Story8 Goddesses from the planet Dea witnessed the birth of Gaia. Before humanity's arrival, the Goddesses came to Gaia to plant their DNA in the earth to ensure all sentient beings survived and thrived. Humanity began, and everyone born embodied the original strands of the goddesses' DNA within them, and peace reigned on earth.As more sisters and brothers were birthed, their combined feminine and masculine power grew, and both men and women lived on planet Gaia in perfectly balanced harmony.However, one God from planet Deus, Malum, decided the feminine power was growing too strong. He thought that the Brotherhood should reign over the feminine energy, and the masculine energy should rule.He came down to earth and stole the Goddesses' DNA, taking the power of women with him. The rise of the masculine ensued, and the imbalance began.Millennia passed, and with the overpowering of the Masculine, Gaia began to get sick and break. War began. Women got burned at the stake. Mass genocide occurred. Famine plagued the earth, and chaos grew. All the while, the 8 Goddesses wept as they watched on from Dea. Given the recent events Gaia faces, the Goddesses can't watch on anymore. And on June 21st, 2022, the day of Solstice, when the sun stands still in the sky, the Goddesses will return to Gaia and re-plant their 8 strands of DNA into 10,000 women to empower them to save humanity.With great power comes great responsibility. Gaia needs us. Are you ready to join the Sisterhood?