Devlin Electronics focuses on four key product groups; Input Devices, Healthcare Computing, Electronic Components and Power Supplies. * Devlin Input Devices - Leaders in the design and manufacture of innovative input solutions for any industry. Devlin have had great success in supplying specialist solutions to almost every industry imaginable, including; Retail Banking, Financial Trading, Publishing, CCTV, Industrial, Public Access Kiosks, Electronic Point-of-Sale & Broadcast.* Devlin Healthcare – Dedicated to the design and manufacture of modular mobile point-of-care computing systems. Devlin Healthcare systems are designed to empower clinicians with information access at the bedside or in any other clinical area. The product group includes a wide range of computer carts, wall mount systems, the medical grade all-in-one IPIX PC and the washable keyboards and mice. Uniquely Devlin Healthcare is happy to undertake custom alterations to meet specific requirements.* Devlin Components – Supplies a broad ranges of electro-mechanical components in the UK. The product group features several significant and exclusive distribution agreements, most notably Cherry Keyswitches and [E3] programmable LCD switches.* Devlin Power Supplies – Leading design and manufacture of a wide range of; power supply units, emergency back up power systems and battery chargers. Typically used in industrial and laboratory applications the product group can also be sourced through RS Components.