Pamela Feldman

SALES at Heritage Engineering Ltd - , Bihar, India

Pamela Feldman's Contact Details
Fort Wayne,Indiana,United States
Heritage Engineering Ltd
Pamela Feldman's Company Details
Heritage Engineering Ltd logo, Heritage Engineering Ltd contact details

Heritage Engineering Ltd

, Bihar, India • 11 - 50 Employees
Real Estate

H E R I T A G E E N G I N E E R I N G L T D . is the brand name synonymous with inspired. We try to ensure our positive impact on any project, regardless of our role. THE CORPORATE FAMILYWe recognize that people are the cornerstone of MRES success. We are one big family where each of us expected to be treated fairly and with dignity.INTEGRITYWe conform to the highest ethical standards. We abide by our ethical standards even when no one is watching. We welcome positive criticism.RESPECTWe treat each other fairly and with respect at all levels. We acknowledge work-life balance as a right of all our employees and workers. We value diversity of people and ideas irrespective of the level of experience we take all measures for our workers health and safety.ACCOUNTABILITYWe fulfill our Promises and Commitments. We work through Challenges and obstacles to achieve a successful outcome meeting our set timelines. We are committed to our own personal growth and development and that of our stakeholders/investors.OUR PHILOSOPHYAt Heritage Engineering Ltd, we believe that to provide a balanced lifestyle, we need to consider all key components of wellbeing. We analyze and ensure that our developments cater to the needs of residents in these areas. Thats why our architects strive to create environments that facilitate interaction and inspire through beautiful and environmentally friendly design, in line with the stated, clear vision of life in perfect balance with our customers dreams. OUR QUALITY POLICYTop-notch quality in construction and design is the hallmark of every Heritage Engineering Ltd creation. From planning to materials, construction skill to consumer relation, we seek perfection in all we do.Every activity from vendor surveillance, site inspection to project management is actively monitored to the last detail. We do not compromise with quality at any level, be it product or service. Today, Heritage Engineering ltd projects has a very good track record as a property developer to specify and build to agreed quality levels and transfer clear title within stipulated time schedules. TEAM WORKWe all have a passion for winning. We request and value the ideas and points of view of our people at all levels. We work together and support each other to achieve our goals. We do not compromise with hard work and keeping commitments. PASSION OF EXCELLENCEWe do not compromise with quality. We inspire each other to succeed. We recognize outstanding performance. We embrace excellence as out way of life and do not settle for less. We seek innovative solutions to achieve competitive advantage.

Details about Heritage Engineering Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Pamela Feldman
Pamela Feldman currently works for Heritage Engineering Ltd..
Pamela Feldman's role at Heritage Engineering Ltd. is SALES.
Pamela Feldman's email address is *** To view Pamela Feldman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Pamela Feldman works in the Real Estate industry.
Pamela Feldman's colleagues at Heritage Engineering Ltd are Doug Johnson, Matt Robinson, Pradeep Ghosh, Henry Patrick, Ryali Sagar, Shahid Shah and others.
Pamela Feldman's phone number is ["01833314162","01626218158","01833328881","01833328877","01833328880","1711200141"]
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