Director of Development & Communications at National Immigration Project - Boston, MA, US
The National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) promotes justice and equality of treatment in all areas of immigration law, the criminal justice system, and in social policies related to immigration. Marking our 50th year in 2021, NIPNLG has been at the forefront of defending the civil, human, and statutory rights of noncitizens across the United States, in order to expand the rights of all immigrants, to respond to threats against noncitizens, and to promote equality. One of our signature contributions is providing legal and technical support and training to immigrant communities, legal practitioners, and all advocates working to advance the rights of noncitizens. We are particularly committed to working on behalf of disenfranchised populations, including victims of crimes (such as intimate partner violence and workplace crimes), youth, and noncitizen criminal offenders. A national membership organization, the National Immigration Project provides support to thousands of lawyers, law students, legal workers, public defenders, jailhouse lawyers, and allies nationwide, who seek equality and justice for all under the law.