VYTOGIANNIS Group has a long experience in the Food & Beverage industry, through the bottling of soft drinks, the production of packaging materials and the distribution of wines, edible oils, cheese and beverages. Its activities are spread nationally as well as internationally, including the regions of Europe, N. Africa, Middle East and Far East. Throughout its history, the Group has established strong partnerships with many global leading companies. It started in Piraeus Greece in the early 1950s by George Vytogiannis, who handed it over to his son Nick Vytogiannis. Since the mid 1990s, the 3rd generation has taken over the management •Group members are Foodrinco. S.A. specialized in the sale and distribution of food, wines, spirits and drinks of its brand Harmonia, and for large companies : www.foodrinco.gr Vinico S.A., specialized in the sale and distribution of food and drink for large firms : www.vinico.gr , Max Print which is active in the digital printing: www.maxprint.gr , Impereco, which is active in the sale & distribution of raw materials for the can making industry. • The Group's Vision: To help our partners add value to their business through innovative systems and products, which will ensure our sustainable growth and help us accomplish our social responsibilities.•The Group's values throughout its long history have always been based on integrity, reliability and credibility, building very strong relationships with its business partners and customers.