The Government of Karnataka (GOK) has announced establishment of an Advanced Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management (ACIWRM) in the 2011-12 financial year budget. The ACIWRM is the first of its kind in India. The rationale for this initiative was to create an enabling environment for the GOK to pursue its objective of moving towards achieving water and food security. The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework provides the opportunity to integrate the land and water related management aspects at the sub-basin and river basin levels.The ACIWRM will act as a think tank to the Water Resources Department (WRD) and will engage in policy analysis, research, planning, capacity building and develop the knowledge base for gearing up the department up to its future vision 2030. The ACIWRM will work with the various departments of Government of Karnataka, agencies of WRD viz., Nigam's, WRDO, CADA, KERS & WALMI, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India and its agencies viz., Central Water Commission, Central Groundwater Board, National Water Mission etc., Technological Universities like IISc, V.T.U, civil society, the private sector, farmers and Water Users Cooperative Societies (WUCS), and other organizations to produce integrated advice to the WRD for managing the state's water resources.FUNCTIONS AND WORKING MODALITYACWIRM will:Function as an advisory group agency for WRD to co-ordinate policies and programs related to IWRM.Coordinate with various WRD agencies to strengthening their respective core responsibilities and enhance their impact.Refresh and enhance professional capabilities of engineers and other specialists in WRD through training, consultancy and research in IWRM.Collaborate with national, international, and multi-lateral institutions including the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, JICA, United Nations, EU and development partners– government, service delivery,academic, and research; so as to introduce new IWRM knowledge and best practices, and trial and adapt these to Karnataka.Provide a platform for experts from across the world to partner with Karnataka in furthering the IWRM processes and activities – either on short term or long term basisKEY AREASKarnataka Water Resources Information System (KWRIS)IWRM Training And Capacity BuildingRiver Basin Planning & ManagementRiver Basin ModellingCommunication, Awareness Raising And ParticipationWater Use Efficiency, Water Accounting And Water ProductivityState IWRM Policy And StrategySustainable Ground Water Management / NGMIS/ABhyParticipative Land And Water Management Plans (LWMP)Climate Change / Variability / Adaptability For Water Sector