Narked at 90 of Wellingborough, Northants, United Kingdom is a team where ideas certainly become reality. They are fast becoming known as the World Leaders in Marine Safety. John Routley and Brent Hudson are a partnership which has grown their company from strength to strength. Before Narked at 90 was formed, John and Brent were rebreather home builders, designing and building their own rebreathers (CCUBA). John being the man he is, always tried to perfect his designs and Narked at 90 was born. They now produce over 180 products that are sold worldwide, and were the winners of the most prestigious (DEMA) Gordon Smith award for Safety innovation in 2007 and the Eurotek Award in 2010. These awards were given for their work in marine equipment safety and design. Their equipment has now been taken up by the military and civilian alike, with customers such as the Royal Navy, the FBI, National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration, Diving Diseases Research Centre and the NATO Research dive team.Under the leadership of John Routley, Narked at 90 has listened to the community and concentrated its efforts on products that add to marine safety.