Founded in 1974 , we are experts in the distribution of Power Electronics Components & Systems . High Power Semiconductors such as Diodes, Thyristors, IGBT's from ABB Semiconductors Switzerland Semiconductors such as Mosfets, IGBT,Thyristor Modules,FRED;s, Schottky Bridge Rectifiers ,Solid State Relays , Opto Couplers , Gate Drivers , RF Mosfets and Drivers from IXYS Semiconductors Germany, now LittlefuseCurrent & Voltage Sensors from ABB France and Tamura, Japan Rogowski Current Sensors from PEM UK Resistors from EBG Austria and Danotherm Denmark Capacitors from Jianghai, ChinaHigh Voltage Switches from Behlke Germany High Voltage Probles from NorthStar USA.Contactors from GLVAC, ChinaElectronics Thermal Management - Complete range of products from Designing to manufacture. Also Thermal Simulators to assist Thermal Designing