ACS International Engineering S.r.l. carries out its activities in the market of Public Works, with special expertise in environmental matters, being specialized in the design, and construction management of water treatment plants, aqueducts, sewers, pipelines and waste disposal.Simply complying the original attitude in preferring environmental field, ACS International Engineering S.r.l. acquired, by adhering to the needs of the market and with the employment of highly qualified staff, great experience in the field of public works and can now boast a capacity of expansion, in line with the general interest and attention to the environment and the problems related to it, which actually increased socio-economic evolution of our countryIn fact it is spreading in Italy, as already abroad, a policy "environmental" which deploys its productive energies towards all areas that concern the company's activities with respect to which the ACS International S.r.l. is in full agreement.With almost twenty years' experience of senior staff and its consulting engineers, who participated in design, build and manage aqueducts and sewers, water treatment plants and water treatment, can now claim an experience that they can deal with the evolution of the market , adhering to a process of collaboration and exchange with other companies, both Italian and foreign, operating in the market of public and private works.- Preliminary, final and executive design and detail- Supervision of works- Technical training- Project managementHYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURE- Irrigation, Land Reclamation, Hydro-agricultural development and soil conservation- Urban and Rural Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Pumping stations- Potabilization Plants- Wastewater treatment Plants (municipal and industrial plants)SOLID WASTE SECTOR/ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING- Solid waste disposal and treatment- Land and environmental reclamation- Waste to energy plants