Ali6 S.r.l. stems from the desire to create a business entity dedicated to the translation of technological innovation developed by the group available for all products. ALI6 philosophy is to develop products for the rational use of energy, sustainable development and innovation for the improvement of the environment and life. The company serves operators in the industrial, agro-industrial and service sectors by proposing solutions and innovations to reduce consumption, improve the product and make it more "green." In particular, Ali6 has developed and is developing the production of: •Cogeneration and trigeneration from 35 to 200 kW, standard sizes, over 200 kW of demand;•Anaerobic digestion plants modular 50 kW;•Installations for the production of energy from biomass / biogas home winemaking (pomace, stems) biomass source oil (olive residues, waste water, waste pruning); other biomass (plant waste, dedicated crops, waste from dairy, cattle and pig slurry , manure, etc.).•Facilities for installing photovoltaic systems;•Equipment for food industry for the extraction of energy components or high value added;•Inverter with wide input voltage;•Innovative Mini wind turbines;•Hydrogen energy islands;•Robotic systems for the management of greenhouses;•Special machines;•Ventilated facades and structural facades;•Materials for sustainable construction and energy saving;•Systems for electric traction.