Ingegnere di supporto tecnico at Fratelli Pettinaroli Spa - San Maurizio D'opaglio, Piemonte, Italy
Marketing & Comunicazione | Copywriting | Advertising | Social Media | Digital Specialist
During the nineties, the company undertook a progressive internationalization, in order to reinforce its position on foreign markets. As a result, Pettinaroli grew to be a Group of nine companies. Two of them are manufacturing units, sited in Italy, while the others take care of logistic and distribution on their respective markets. They are located as follows: three in the US, one in France, one in Switzerland and two in Denmark.The corporate strategic vision is more and more focused on R&D in various areas of business: heating, conditioning, sanitary and renewable energies. While preserving its industrial identity, gained in over 80 years of experience, the Group had the ability to gradually reinvent itself as a supplier of systems and solutions.