Estabilished on 2010 as UD. Surya Nusantara at Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 26A.2014 become CV. Surya Nusantara Safety .2016 Relocated new office Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 115 .2017 Upgrading and Implementing system become proffesional and modern company.2019 Rebranding Bigowner and achieved Autorized Distributor, SNI for SAFETY JOGGER the one and only in Sumatra, Indonesia.Safety Is Not a Obligation, For Bigowner Safety Is LifetyleSafety For LifestyleWho are bigowner®?We are small team who believe in future future is digital worldWe believe in optimist people who can maximize every opportunities.We challenge the conventional way in businessbigowner® Business Goals :Listed as IPO in Indonesia StockExchange (IDX) by year 2030bigowner® Vision :Become a Profitable Holding Company with the Most Passionate & Talented Professional Leadersbigowner® Mision :Creating Professional Leaders who are ready to transform together according to the biogwner® visionCreating & building a distribution network throughout Indonesia with superior products that are currently booming, one of which is the Safety Joggerbigowner® Culture :Believe In GOD and BigOwner Team(Yakin & Percaya dengan TUHAN dan Tim BigOwner)Improve To EXPERT (Upgrade Menjadi Ahli)Grateful And Humble (Bersyukur dan rendah hati)Opportunity MAXIMIZE (Memaksimalkan kesempatan)Wisdom In LEADERSHIP (Leader yang bijaksana)Next Level TRANSFORMATION (Transformasi)Effective And Creative (Efektif dan kreatif)Ready Accomplish PURPOSE (FREEDOM)Siap Mencapai Tujuan (Kebebasan)