EDUFUN FOUNDATION TRUST is a voluntary organization which is registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 and 1950 Bombay Public Trust Act. It was established on 24 April 2014, by a group of likeminded social workers who were working in the fields of basic health, education, environment protection, rural development, women empowerment and human rights. Organization began with very limited resources as well as manpower. The organization aims to empowerment of the economically weaker and socially marginalized section of the society through capacity building of the people.As far the legal status of EDUFUN FOUNDATION TRUST is concerned, it is a legally constituted voluntary organization having registration under the Societies Registration Act 1860 And. 1950 Bombay Public Trust Act. It has been registered under 12AA and 80G in Income tax dept. Gujarat (India). It has registered under FCRA by Home Ministry of India. It works on No Profit – No loss basis.Our volunteers educate and mentor children from orphanages, slum and village community center's across Gujarat to give them a better future, which will benefit them as well as our country. The learning experience is mutual – our volunteers gain perspective and the experience to mold themselves into tomorrow's leaders.NOTES ON ACTIVITIES 1. Stop Gender Based Violence 2. Computer Training3. Blood and Health check-up camp4. Green Dhanera - Tree Plantation and Tree distribution5. 181 Mahila Abhayam Program6. Daan Utsav 2nd OCT7. Clothes distribution8. Clothes and Sweets distribution on Diwali9. Get to gather- Snehmilan10. World Disability Day Celebration11. Sweater Distribution to Students of govt. School12. Women Empowerment Seminar13. Shawl and Sweater Distribution to Needy People14. AkshayRath - Save Food, Respect Food15. KhichadiGhar - Food to Hungry16. Turtle Conservation- Zalar Kachaba Lake17. JivDaya Rath – Rescue and Treatment of injured animals birds